I love coding projects

Welcome to my personal library of projects. I'm constantly coding and collecting projects to always be learning more about automation tools and web development using Python, Flask, Django, mySQL, Powershell, React, Node, Javascript, HTML and css.

Luke Robertson

Photo of Me

My projects aim to help others learn more about programming. It's also here to remind me what I've done so far, and to plan my next project. There is so much content out there in the coding world, it super easy to get distracted and sift through all the ads, surface level band-aid fixes. This website is an effort to keep me honest and help me stay on track to one day land my dream job working as a developer.

If you've never written code before and are interested in programming. START CODING here!! In under 10 minutes, you'll gain some context, knowlegde and create something useful for yourself, making your life better with no prerequisites, no coding platforms and learn to set up your computer to create coding projects from scratch!!

If you want to get started and hate reading, I got you!

I'm on YouTube!! Check it out!!Music With Code YouTube Channel

My First App is now deployed!!

See how it works here on my instagram here

I've made this one with Python, Flask, Postgres, and hosted on Heroku. It's not the most complex but I couldn't be happier with it :)

I'm learning more about:


2 years

Web Design

2 years


3 years
Github Repositories Created
Projects Done
Websites Deployed

MY Projects

Websites I've Deployed | Click and test!

- My Personal Blog
Personal Blog since 28/08/19
- Contact Page
Web App using flask and a postgres database
- toeatlist
Foodie Website landing page
- mountstreethomestead
Hobbyist in Knife Making website.
- websidesolutions
My business website
- Weather API request
hosted on heroku

MY Javascript Projects | Click and test!

- Whack-A-Me Game
This is a fun little game using vanilla javascript - Javascript30.
- MouseMoveShadow
This is a shadow effect that follows your mouse move dynamically using vanilla Javascript - Javascript30
- SlideUpAndDown
This is using vanilla javascript to slide both a left and right panel vertically - 50Projects50days.
- FancyScrolling
Horizontal slide-in effect using vanilla Javascript - Javascript30
- LoadPage
This is a page that loads gradually with a percentage slowing disappearing, using vanilla javascript - 50projectsin50days.
- PaintWithJS
Painting with multiple colours with a interactive click using Javascript - Javascript30.
- CityLookUp
This uses vanilla javascript and a 'fetch api call' to parse a JSON file in a readable fashion.
- drumkit
A basic drum machine using Vanilla Javascript - Javascript30.
- ImageController
This tools allows you to update an image in the browser in real time. Vanilla JavaScript.
- clock
An analogue clock using Vanilla Javascript - Javascript30.
- FindAndFilter
This is uses vanilla javascript and an API call to fetch dummy data for finding users from an API call - 50Projects50Days.
- CheckBox
This is a simple daily check-box using vanilla javascript - Javascript 30. This also has the added functionality of holding down shift and checking boxed to tick off a few items at once.
- ChoicePicker
This is a simple choice picker using vanilla javascript - 50Projects50days.
- WebFormSaving
this is a form that has checkbox functionality, saving items to local storage which means, yep, that's right! refresh your page and enjoy the data being saved! Using vanilla Javascript - Javascript 30

MY Python Projects | Click and test!

- CompressImg
25 lines of code. This is a super handy tool to compress all images both png and jpg in the current working directory to 800 x 800 (which you can easily change on step 6 in the code.)
- RenameFiles
This steps through using the os module to split filenames up and rearrange them how you would like. It also has a way to remove a certain amount of digits from the name of a file.Enjoy.
- SimpleScraper
The most minimal web-scraper I could come up with. 7 lines of code.
- LanguageTestGSheets
This is another Language test that reads from a google sheet. I learned this to easily amend and update my list on the go.
- Mailmerge
Simple mail merge idea
- LearnRussianTest1
A simple idea that scales really well, try it for yourself.
- LanguageTest
Reads from two txt files in the same directory to test how your learning is progressing.
- autocreateticket
Uses 'Pyautogui', 'pyperclip' and my own module to create tickets at work for specific users.
- audioPlayer1
A very basic mp3 player
- API-Python
Using requests to handle and manage data on a weather API

MY Algorithms | Click and test!

- Tournament Winner
This is an algorithm that has three teams play each other and come up with a winner.
- Smallest Difference
Smallest difference between two arrays
- Three Number Sum
This algorithm will get the sum of three numbers in the selected array to add up to the target sum.
- Sorted array and sum
search through a list, apply a sum and then return a new sorted list.
- Validate subsequence while loop
Validating two arrays using a while loop.
- Validate subsequence for loop
A simple validator against two lists using a for loop.
- Two number sum dictionary
This iterates through a list to find if any two numbers added together in the list, will add up to the 'secret number', it then throws every iterated integer in to a dictionary (hash table) to check if the the "potentialMatch" is a potential match :D.
- Two number sum sorted list
searches through a list to find if two numbers add up to the "TargetSum"
- Two number sum unsorted list
This iterates through a list to find if any two numbers added together in the list, will add up to the 'secret number'.

MY Misc Projects | Click and test!

- miscscripts
Powershell Scripts I use on the daily
- Email with attachment in python
- Tkinter gui form (code populater) to txt file
- Powershell gui form to .exe (asset register)
- Chart and metronome page
- Weather Webscrape to text - deployed on Heroku and github
- Spam text msg - deployed to heroku and github
- Rental calculator as a .exe
- Task counter
- Using pyautogui to automate boring / repetitive tasks
- Use selenium to automate clicking on a website
- Set up a raspberry Pi zero
- Send files via IP address
- Connect to my PC remotely from my phone
- revived and old laptop to Linux OS
- Flask Web app