I'm learning more about:
Web Design
Websites I've Deployed | Click and test!
- My Personal Blog
Personal Blog since 28/08/19
- Contact Page
Web App using flask and a postgres database
- toeatlist
Foodie Website landing page
- mountstreethomestead
Hobbyist in Knife Making website.
- websidesolutions
My business website
- Weather API request
hosted on heroku
MY Javascript Projects | Click and test!
- Whack-A-Me Game
This is a fun little game using vanilla javascript - Javascript30.
- MouseMoveShadow
This is a shadow effect that follows your mouse move dynamically using vanilla Javascript - Javascript30
- SlideUpAndDown
This is using vanilla javascript to slide both a left and right panel vertically - 50Projects50days.
- FancyScrolling
Horizontal slide-in effect using vanilla Javascript - Javascript30
- LoadPage
This is a page that loads gradually with a percentage slowing disappearing, using vanilla javascript - 50projectsin50days.
- PaintWithJS
Painting with multiple colours with a interactive click using Javascript - Javascript30.
- CityLookUp
This uses vanilla javascript and a 'fetch api call' to parse a JSON file in a readable fashion.
- drumkit
A basic drum machine using Vanilla Javascript - Javascript30.
- ImageController
This tools allows you to update an image in the browser in real time. Vanilla JavaScript.
- clock
An analogue clock using Vanilla Javascript - Javascript30.
- FindAndFilter
This is uses vanilla javascript and an API call to fetch dummy data for finding users from an API call - 50Projects50Days.
- CheckBox
This is a simple daily check-box using vanilla javascript - Javascript 30. This also has the added functionality of holding down shift and checking boxed to tick off a few items at once.
- ChoicePicker
This is a simple choice picker using vanilla javascript - 50Projects50days.
- WebFormSaving
this is a form that has checkbox functionality, saving items to local storage which means, yep, that's right! refresh your page and enjoy the data being saved! Using vanilla Javascript - Javascript 30
MY Python Projects | Click and test!
- CompressImg
25 lines of code. This is a super handy tool to compress all images both png and jpg in the current working directory to 800 x 800 (which you can easily change on step 6 in the code.)
- RenameFiles
This steps through using the os module to split filenames up and rearrange them how you would like. It also has a way to remove a certain amount of digits from the name of a file.Enjoy.
- SimpleScraper
The most minimal web-scraper I could come up with. 7 lines of code.
- LanguageTestGSheets
This is another Language test that reads from a google sheet. I learned this to easily amend and update my list on the go.
- Mailmerge
Simple mail merge idea
- LearnRussianTest1
A simple idea that scales really well, try it for yourself.
- LanguageTest
Reads from two txt files in the same directory to test how your learning is progressing.
- autocreateticket
Uses 'Pyautogui', 'pyperclip' and my own module to create tickets at work for specific users.
- audioPlayer1
A very basic mp3 player
- API-Python
Using requests to handle and manage data on a weather APIMY Algorithms | Click and test!
- Tournament Winner
This is an algorithm that has three teams play each other and come up with a winner.
- Smallest Difference
Smallest difference between two arrays
- Three Number Sum
This algorithm will get the sum of three numbers in the selected array to add up to the target sum.
- Sorted array and sum
search through a list, apply a sum and then return a new sorted list.
- Validate subsequence while loop
Validating two arrays using a while loop.
- Validate subsequence for loop
A simple validator against two lists using a for loop.
- Two number sum dictionary
This iterates through a list to find if any two numbers added together in the list, will add up to the 'secret number', it then throws every iterated integer in to a dictionary (hash table) to check if the the "potentialMatch" is a potential match :D.
- Two number sum sorted list
searches through a list to find if two numbers add up to the "TargetSum"
- Two number sum unsorted list
This iterates through a list to find if any two numbers added together in the list, will add up to the 'secret number'.
MY Misc Projects | Click and test!
- miscscripts
Powershell Scripts I use on the daily
- Email with attachment in python
- Tkinter gui form (code populater) to txt file
- Powershell gui form to .exe (asset register)
- Chart and metronome page
- Weather Webscrape to text - deployed on Heroku and github
- Spam text msg - deployed to heroku and github
- Rental calculator as a .exe
- Task counter
- Using pyautogui to automate boring / repetitive tasks
- Use selenium to automate clicking on a website
- Set up a raspberry Pi zero
- Send files via IP address
- Connect to my PC remotely from my phone
- revived and old laptop to Linux OS
- Flask Web app